Alternative fuel sources should be one of the most important focuses that we as responsible human beings strive to develop, so that we leave this world a better place.

There is an urgent need for us to save our environment, which is being polluted by constant emissions, given off by extensive use of gasoline and/or petrol for energy.

There are various alternative fuel sources currently available. Perhaps it is time that we all did something to make a difference! 

Conventional, everyday fuel sources are becoming more and more expensive to extract and the indiscriminate usage of these fuels, in the last century, has all but depleted the once vast oil stores. Alarm bells have already started ringing! These stores of natural fuels will reach critically low levels very soon and a crisis is looming, much earlier than we have been led to believe.

Fortunately, there are a number of other options that could be a viable solution. Science may be able to help us out of the predicament, by offering us a great commercial solution that will be readily available, friendly to the environment, and not too expensive.

Bio-diesel is one such alternate fuel source, that is extracted from plants into a liquid form. Also known as E 85, bio-diesel is partly renewable. It consists of 15% gasoline and 85% ethanol and this means that it is far better than using pure gasoline.

None of the alternative fuel forms are perfect. Either they are expensive or are not 100% eco-friendly. They will still cause some pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and will require a lot of plant matter.

The most popular plant choices are corn and soybeans, meaning that as production increases, these plants will become less available to humans for food. Food shortages are already a problem in poorer countries, so can the world afford to worsen the situation?.

Another alternative fuel source, that's viable for transportation, is electricity. It's the best currently available technology, when it comes to conserving our existing sources of fuel. The efficiency of these electric cars is even greater even when it comes to using conventional means of generating electricity. That's because all the required power can be generated in a central location, instead of in the car itself.

Alternate energy sources like wind, water and sun may be used supplementally ,or instead of coal and oil to generate electricity, depending on the location.

Of course, one of the ultimate alternative fuel sources is muscle power. Converting to cycling or walking is an excellent way to conserve fuel and to get into shape at the same time.

Fuel prices keep rising, as availability continues to decrease and many people are turning to pedal power these days, in an attempt to curtail the wastage of fuel  and the emission of smog. Bio-diesel and E-85 aren't readily available yet and electric cars are also not yet readily available, so maybe the answer is cycling!

Perhaps we would have to allow trains and planes and ships and long distance buses and haulers, but ban all motor vehicles in the urban areas? Would it really be all that bad? Perhaps we should try!

If you want to try making your own bio-diesel, you need to see this. Learn How To Make Your Own Fuel is a 60 page, step-by-step manual, with illustrations. It shows you how to make your own Bio-diesel Factory and make Bio-diesel from your own home! See more by clicking here, or copy this link into your browser:

Derek Robson has been a successful Internet marketer since 2003. He is a retired manufacturing engineer and is an expert author and syndicated article writer. He is concerned about the rise in prices of electricity and fuel, as well as the increases in noxious emissions and is trying to make his house and life as green as possible. Derek has recently entered into the niche of alternative energy, so keep tuned as to what he finds, by visiting his AltPower website and blog. Go get a free PLR pack on Alternative Fuels. Click here, or copy this link: